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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The New York Subway Ad Campaign – What’s the Big Deal?

One of the most basic of human rights is that of religious liberty, for religion is perhaps the most comprehensive of all human activities.

Leonard Swidler, in “Human Rights and Religious Liberty: From the Past to the Future”

Muslims worldwide constitute one of the world’s largest religious communities and roughly 18% of the world’s population. The global diversity of Muslims is clearly evident in the American Muslim community, arguably the most diverse group of Muslims anywhere in the world, comprising virtually every race and ethnicity.

In the wake of September 11, 2001 this community of over 7 million American Muslims has been under the glare of media publicity, often accompanied by less than accurate portrayals of their religion. A growing number of Muslims in America is convinced that misinformation about Islam lies at the root of religious hostility and unfounded fears of a clash of civilizations. With media campaigns and grassroots based outreach programs, the community appears determined to challenge popular stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam. Not only are American Muslims among the most educated and successful Muslim communities in the world, they are also increasingly aware of their manifest destiny as the bridge between Islam and the West.

In this context, the New York Chapter of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and its 877-WHY-ISLAM project have launched an information campaign comprising of one thousand posters displayed in New York City’s subway from September 15th to October 15th, 2008 - timed to coincide with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. During Ramadan, when over a billion Muslims observe fasting worldwide, many questions arise about Islam. The information campaign is a response to the ever-growing desire from the general public for correct and uncensored information about Islam and Muslims. As one local resident put it “I want these guys to tell me what their religion is and what they stand for. I want to make my informed decision after knowing every possible aspect.” The campaign hopes to promote much needed dialogue between peoples of different faiths.

Response from NY residents has been mixed. Many welcome the ads and see them as an opportunity to explore and obtain information, whereas others find them audacious and running counter to American culture.

Unfortunately, the events of September 11, 2001 have taken a heavy toll on the great American values of tolerance and mutual respect. In the minds of many, the juxtaposition of any symbol of Islam, with the events of 9/11 is common. Christine Lacombe, 32, said: "Having lived in New York though 9/11, to see anything Islamic, I mean I wouldn't be human if it didn't scare me." The objective of the ad campaign is to address precisely such sentiments through information and dialogue.

Naeem Baig, Secretary General of ICNA said "If someone has strong sentiments about Islam then they must have questions about the faith as well, and its all the more reason for them to obtain more information." It is hoped the ads will counter negative stereotypes about Islam by calling on people to ask questions about the religion and provide access to a toll free hotline and website to obtain answers to those questions

Republican politician Pete King has been one of the most high-profile critics of the campaign and his criticism was leveled mainly at Imam Siraj Wahaj, rather than the campaign itself. Imam Siraj is a New York Imam and respected community leader, particularly well known for his dedication to social service programs such as anti-drug patrols. Imam Siraj was also the first person invited to give an Islamic invocation in the United States Congress. Pete King’s call for having the adverts banned reflects the extent to which narrow politics has adversely affected religious freedom and interfaith understanding. “New Yorkers will be commemorating the 7th anniversary of the Sept 11 bombings. It is offensive to their families and it is offensive to the members that were killed that day”, King said. The fact that the ads would actually contribute to greater public awareness of a religion that claims one-fifth of humanity among its adherents is, for some reason, lost on King.

Responding to Mr. King’s rant, Azeem Khan, spokesperson for the Islamic circle of North America, reminded viewers in a CNN interview, that Muslims were amongst those killed during the attacks. “Even if they did overlap with Sept 11th, that is no excuse to spread hatred, fear and suspicion towards American Muslims. It is ironic that one of the founders of the WHY ISLAM project died in the terror attacks on that day. Mr King’s comments are an insult to him, his family and the intelligence of all New Yorkers who can decide for themselves.”

Fortunately, not all New Yorkers agree with Mr. King’s niggardly approach. One person observed that people have a right to know, “Please stop this censorship Mr. King, we proud Americans deserve to know uncensored information. Do not take this opportunity away from us.” Another person commented, “What’s the big deal, how else are we going to learn about each other and grow as a country. That’s what the US is all about.”

While Islam is often seen as a rather exotic or strange way of life, it has, in fact remarkable similarities in line with the best of American and western ethos.

Karen Armstrong, a best-selling religion writer and former nun, further explains the importance of peace in Islam:

“…Islam is a religion of peace. Like all the great world traditions, it recoils in horror from the violence of the world and struggles through to a position of peace. You can see that in the life of the Prophet Muhammad. The word "Islam" is related etymologically to the word "Salaam " -- peace.”

Mr Khan explained, "The reality is Muslims are a part of the American fabric. New Yorkers should realize we're in the fight against terrorism together."

A California resident explained her thoughts on the campaign. “Form what I think, we really don’t know what true Islam, or its preachings, are. We and the media always judge Islam by some of its followers. Well, if the world would start judging Christianity on the basis of some rogue Christians, that would not be right…would it? Thus, we should give a chance to all Americans to know what really Islam preaches and what its core principles are. I think that the subway adverts are really a good idea. We should give the Muslims a chance to clear misconceptions about Islam.”

Siapakah Yang Mengabulkan Doa Orang Yang Terdesak ?

Ibnu Asakir berkisah tentang Abu Bakar Muhammad bin Daud Ad Dinury. Abu Bakar me-nyampaikan bahwa saat itu ia sedang menunggang bighal miliknya dari Damaskus ke daerah Az Zaidani. Di tengah jalan ada seorang pria yang hendak menumpang. Lalu aku pun me-ngarungi perjalanan bersamanya. Tiba pada persimpangan jalan yang tidak pernah aku lewati, pria itu mengatakan, "Pilihlah jalan ini, sebab ia lebih dekat!" Aku sempat menolak dengan mengatakan bahwa aku tidak pernah melewatinya. Namun ia meyakinkanku bahwa jalan ini adalah lebih dekat. Hingga kami ber-dua pun menempuhnya.

Akhirnya langkah kami berdua terhenti di tepi sebuah jurang yang dalam dan terlihat banyak sekali korban yang jatuh di dalamnya. Pria itu mengatakan, "Peganglah tali bighal ini dan izinkan aku turun sejenak untuk melihat-lihat!" Maka sejurus kemudian pria itu menuruni bibir jurang.

Tidak lama ia turun, sejenak ia muncul lagi dengan pisau terhunus di tangan dan langsung berlari mengejarku. Melihat hal itu, akupun melarikan diri darinya. Ia terus mengejarku. Sambil berlari aku bermunajat kepada Allah Swt dan aku berkata kepadanya, "Ambil saja bighal itu dan segala bekal yang ada padanya!" Ia pun berkata, "Aku sudah dapatkan bighal itu!" Aku pun bertanya lagi, "Lalu apa yang kau mau?" Ia pun berkata, "Aku mau membunuhmu!" Sempat aku takut-takuti dia dengan siksa Allah, namun masih saja ia terus mengejarku.

Hingga akhirnya aku letih dan menyerah. Aku pun berkata kepa-danya, "Jika kau sungguh ingin membunuhku, mohon izinkan aku untuk melakukan shalat dua rakaat saja!" Rupanya ia mengizinkan dan berkata, "Lakukanlah dengan segera!"...

Inilah yang dilakukan oleh orang yang shaleh. Dalam kondisi terdesak, ia masih teringat kepada Allah Swt. Sungguh langkah yang ditempuh oleh Abu Bakar adalah langkah yang tepat. Bila ia terbunuh usai menjalani shalat, maka itu merupakan sebuah akhir yang indah. Namun bila ia ditakdirkan selamat, sungguh shalat yang ia lakukan telah menjadi senjata ampuh baginya.

"Cepatlah sedikit!" perampok itu berkata kepada Abu Bakar. Abu Bakar pun berdiri untuk melakukan shalat dengan badan bergetar. Saking gemetarnya, ia lupa sama sekali dengan bacaan shalat yang harus dibaca. Perampok itu terus mengatakan, "Cepatlah...!" Hal itu terus dikatakan oleh perampok kepada Abu Bakar sebelum ia melakukan takbiratul ihram, saat ia bertakbir, dan setelah takbir dikumandangkan. Hal itu membuat Abu Bakar semakin panik hingga surat Al Fatihah pun terlupa dari ingatannya.

Abu Bakar menuturkan, "Aku hanya berdiri dalam bingung dan panik. Tidak ada satu ayat pun yang terbaca. Saat itu tiba-tiba Allah Swt menuntunku untuk membaca ayat berikut:

"Atau siapakah yang memperkenankan (do'a) orang yang dalam kesulitan apabila ia berdo'a kepada-Nya, dan yang menghilangkan kesusahan?" (QS. 27:62)

Sejurus kemudian aku melihat dari mulut jurang muncul seorang ksatria dengan tombak di tangan. Tombak itu ia lesakkan dan mengenai pencuri. Sungguh lemparannya tidak meleset dan terarah ke daerah jantung. Perampok itu pun roboh dan tewas. Lalu aku mendekat ke arah ksatria itu dan bertanya, 'Demi Allah, siapakah engkau?' Ksatria itu menjawab, 'Aku adalah utusan Tuhan Yang memperkenankan doa orang dalam kesulitan apabila ia berdoa kepada-Nya serta menghilangkan kesusahan!'

Akhirnya Abu Bakar mengambil bighal dan perbekalannya, dan ia pun kembali ke rumah dengan selamat.

Itulah kisah orang yang berdoa dalam kondisi terdesak yang termaktub dalam kitab Ba'da Ad Dhiiq Ya'ti Al Farj karya Khalid Abu Shalih. Kisah ini pun termaktub dalam tafsir Ibnu Katsir jilid 3. Ibrah yang dapat dipetik dalam kisah itu adalah bahwa dalam kondisi terdesak sekalipun, sempatkanlah untuk berhubungan dan bermunajat kepada Allah Swt. Sungguh dalam kondisi seperti itu, doa yang tersampaikan tak akan ditolak. Hal ini serupa dengan doa orang yang hendak melakukan ifthar. (Oleh : Ustad Bobby Herwibowo)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Here it is 8 years later and as it was then it is still now. 9/11 is a day of reflection for me for several reasons. On 9/11 I found out that:

1: I really was a Marine
2: I was willing to die for my country
3: Islam is in fact not only a religion of peace, but the truth

Most people have no problem with 1 and 2 when I ordinarily re-tell this story, but number 3 is always met with hostility. Without going into the story again as I have a thousand times, I just want to cover the main points

1: When I joined the Marine Corps in 1998 it was a different world per se. Most of my peers joined the military as an alternative to staying home or not going to college. Many like me joined the Marine Corps simply to be part of the best military organization on the planet (sorry Army). However, that was it in a nutshell. There were no dreams of war and combat no matter how much warrior training I had. It was good stuff to know, it felt good to know I could if I wanted to, but I was content behind my desk and flying with President Clinton to the Harley David factory in Pennsylvania or to South Beach, Miami. That was the extent of my career until 9/11. That day, I found out that I truly was a Marine, that day the warrior in me came alive and I wanted nothing more than to fight the scum that dared attack the USA the greatest nation on Earth!. That day I found out that even a bunch of spoiled, Presidential, airwingers, were still Marines and we were ready to go and do what Marines do. That day that Eagle, Globe, and Anchor took over and the true warrior that I didn’t even know existed came alive. That day more than any other day, I was a Marine!
2: Given the gravity of the day, I knew something had to be done. I didn’t know what, but I knew it had to be something. I began to think of all the ‘medal of honor’ winners who gave their lives in the service of others. I never truly understood that, but on 9/11 something came over me. I knew that if fanatical killers were willing to do this, than I had to be equally willing to do whatever it took to defeat them. I didn’t know what to think, but I knew one thing, if I had to die, I wanted it to be in the service of my country. I never felt that way before, on 9/10 I wore a uniform, but it was just a “job” to a degree, but on 9/11 I swore by that uniform and what Marines have lived and died for and was ready to join their ranks if need be. I remember around 10 am before the base phones shut down calling my mother and she answered crying, the most I could muster was “Mom I love you, tell everyone I love them, but now I have to do what I get paid to do” right there out of no where in one line I told my mother that our conversation may have been the last, and in that moment of clarity there was peace. I knew what had to be done and I truly didn’t care about the costs, as long as America won.

3. This has always been the most difficult thing to explain and it still is. On 9/11 we were on “standby” for more than 14hrs. We didn’t see any “action” and we just hurried up and waited, and waited, and waited, and then it was 9/12. As things started to develop and get sorted out after that horrible day, I began to reflect. Mostly about 1 and 2 but then I began to ask myself questions: Who were these people that did this? Why would they do this? Are their beliefs that crazy that they are willing to kill themselves and many others for it? I asked myself these questions over and over. My only solution was research. I wanted to know my enemy so that I may be better prepared to kill them. As a devout Christian, lay leader, bible study leader, etc. I wanted to see this murderous book for myself so that I may be able to inform my friends, group, and congregation. I never met a Muslim in my life all I knew was the church, so I decided to go straight to the horse’s mouth…the Quran.

As things were eased on the base in the following days, I decided to go to the bookstore and I bought it a Koran. My first one it was in complete English no Arabic in sight. So with a scornful look and disdain in my heart I began to read…The very first thing I read was:

“The Opening
1:1 In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful:
Bismillāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm

1:2 Praise be to God, the Lord of the Universe.
Al ḥamdu lillāhi rabbi l-’ālamīn

1:3 The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Ar raḥmāni r-raḥīm

1:4 King of the Day of Judgment.
Māliki yawmi d-dīn

1:5 You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help
Iyyāka na’budu wa iyyāka nasta’īn

1:6 Guide us to the straight way;
Ihdinā ṣ-ṣirāṭ al mustaqīm

1:7 The way of those whom you have blessed, not of those who have deserved anger, nor of those who stray.
Ṣirāṭ al-laḏīna an’amta ‘alayhim ġayril maġḍūbi ‘alayhim walāḍ ḍāllīn “

In the name of God, the Most Gracious and Merciful! What in the world! I thought I’m supposed to be reading about killing Christians in the name of some other god or something. Where’s all the violence, and advocation of such, against America? This opening, sounded much like my prayers, so I began to read on…

As I read on I learned many things like God is One, fighting is only ordained in self-defense against oppression, respect for others religions and places of worship, Muslims believed in the Prophets of the Bible and in Jesus albeit a little differently, but then there were Christians that believed the same things about Jesus too! In other words I found none of what I expected, I found no smoking gun, what little so-called violence I did find was nothing more than historical happenings, that didn’t shape the larger context of the books call for patience, prayer, and balance. It didn’t read purely as a historical book although there was history in it, it didn’t read purely as a book of dogma, although there was dogma in it, to me the most remarkable thing to me was that the author seemed to be speaking directly to me and not through 3rd and 4th parties. For every question I asked there was an answer, for every answer given, the text itself asked me a question. The book forced me to think, challenged me, and reasoned with me. This was a book of reason, this was a book of discussion, this book made me stronger in my desire for God. Any book that could do that in of itself, without the aid of a person reading it to me had to have divine Origins!
Of course, this began to baffle me. Emotions began to be confounded at times, I didn’t know what to think, but I knew one think, I believed in this text and I wanted to be part of those who did. Obviously those murders couldn’t have read the same book! We must be reading two different things.
I began to care less and less about the murderers and what they got out of the text and more and more about what I got out of the text. Somehow they got murder and intolerance; I got love for God, man, and peace. No more did I have to believe that those who didn’t believe as I did were bound to hell, now I could believe in the unity of faith, I could believe that all of mankind was destined to God and God loved everyone not just an elect group!

Naturally, all of this shook me at my foundation my core, so the best I could do was share these thoughts with my mentor and pastor, my grandfather. I expected him to chastise me and tell me satan was confusing me, but instead, he said he believes Islam to be on the same path as Judaism and Christianity, he believed that they all have a central Origin and a central destination. He believed that while the family of Abraham (pbuh) didn’t always agree on many points, they are still family nonetheless. At that point, slack jawed, I realized that my new ways weren’t a hindrance, or some kind of satanic confusion, but another path and journey God had put me on, He knows what he is up to.

This all happened within weeks of 9/11. Imagine the surprise to all those I knew when I told them I was converting to Islam. Imagine the surprise when I had my dog tags and records changed from “Christian” to “Muslim”. Many didn’t take it well, and many don’t today. But faith is like that. We don’t often have as much control as we would like to believe. If we truly believe then we will be able to carry our cross no matter what.
And talk about a cross to carry! I have been called it all: Naive, Traitor, fake, etc. I have been told that I never was a Christian or good Christian to begin with and that’s how I left so “easily” as if they know! I have been asked how I could change to the enemies religion while my country was under attack, my service has been questioned, my loyalty, etc. etc.

The problem is many can’t or won’t seperate the religion from the people, unless of course the religion is Christianity or Judaism!

Never mind that I served another 3 years honorably in the Marine Corps as a Muslim. Never mind that I have worked for this nations highest office as a Muslim, never mind that since the Marine Corps I have worked and served in agencies many other Americans only dream about, can only see on the outside, and in many instances don’t even know where they exist! All this as a Muslim.

But I digress…Here it is 6 years later and not much has changed. Many still hate Islam and Muslims, many Muslims still defend their faith and themselves, and many Muslims still commit the actions that help fuel the flames of this hate. I just pray on this day of reflection, that we as Americans, that we as humanity, begin to reflect more on our similarities then our differences. I pray that we overcome our prejudices and ignorance and learn to work together. I pray that we come together to destroy radicalism and extremism in all it’s forms. I pray that we realize that it is our differences that not only make God Great, but gives us a reason and drive to want to get to know one another.
49:13 O men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is all-knowing, all-aware.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bekas Bintang NBA: "Tegakkan Islam Dimanapun Kalian Berada"

"Ilmu pengetahuan bisa membuat seorang budak menjadi seorang raja," itulah nasehat yang disampaikan oleh Mahmoud Abdul Rauf, mantan bintang National Basketball Association (NBA) yang kini menjadi imam masjid yang dibangunnya sendiri di Gulport, Mississipi.

Malam itu, di lantai dua masjidnya, Abdul Rauf memberikan ceramah di hadapan para jamaah yang kebanyakan remaja dalam acara makan malam dan penggalangan dana untuk sekolah Islam masjid tersebut. Dalam ceramahnya, ia berpesan pada anak-anak muda Muslim untuk menegakkan Islam dimanapun mereka berada dan menuntut ilmu sebanyak mungkin.

"Kita senantiasa melihat pendidikan sebagai bekal untuk mencari kerja demi keamanan finansial. Tapi kita melupakan tujuan utama pendidikan yang seharusnya menjadi bekal bagi seseorang agar bisa bertahan dalam kehidupan," kata Abdul Rauf.

Ia membandingkan pendidikan Barat yang berbasis sekularisme, memisahkan antara negara dengan agama. Menurutnya, pendidikan dalam Islam harus mencakup segala aspek kehidupan. "Umat Islam tidak bisa menyingkirkan agamanya ke dalam 'kloset'," ujar Abdul Rauf.

Pada kesempatan itu, ia menguraikan hasil studi yang dilakukan oleh para profesor di Universitas Harvard dan Universitas Yale. Hasil studi itu menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak Afrika memiliki bakat lebih cepat menangkap pelajaran. "Sejarah membuktikan bahwa orang-orang Afrika dan Muslim adalah para penemu disiplin ilmu modern seperti aljabar dan berbagai ilmu pengetahuan lainnya," tutur Abdul Rauf.

Ketika masih menjadi bintang di NBA, Abdul Rauf pernah menimbulkan kontroversi karena menolak berdiri saat dipedengarkan lagu kebangsaan. Menurutnya, sikap itu adalah pengejewantahan dari agama yang dianutnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. "Saya memanfaatkan kontroversi itu sebagai alat untuk menjelaskan pada orang lain tentang agama saya," tukas Rauf.

Pada akhirnya, ia berhasil meyakinkan banyak orang untuk menghormati nilai-nilai dan prinsip yang dianutnya. Mereka menghormati Rauf dan bahkan dalam banyak hal mengikuti langkah yang dilakukan Rauf. Secara khusus, ia berpesan pada anak-anak Muslim yang bersekolah di sekolah publik dan bukan sekolah Islam, agar bisa mengambil posisi sebagai pemimpin agar melakukan pendekatan seperti yang dilakukannya, terutama bagi mereka yang non-Muslim.

"Kita harus belajar tentang sejarah kita, memahami masa yang sedang kita jalani dan menyiapkan masa depan kita," pesan Rauf.

Abdul Rauf adalah mantan bintang NBA yang bermain untuk klub basket Denver Nugget dari tahun 1990-1995. Ia adalah bintang lapangan bagi timnya dan memenangkan penghargaan sebagai pemain yang paling kaya improvisasinya pada tahun 1993.

Rauf kemudian pindah ke klub basket Sacramento Kings lalu ke klub Vancouver Grizzlies. Ia membawa kemenangan bagi timnya tahun 1994 dan 1996. Setelah itu, Rauf memutuskan untuk meninggalkan lapangan basket dan mulai giat berdakwah. Ia membangun masjiddi kota kelahirannya di Gulport, Mississipi dan menjadi imam di masjidnya.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Is the ‘Nation of Islam’ a Muslim organization?

The beliefs and tenets of the ‘Nation of Islam’ are contrary to some of the fundamental tenets of Islam. In is therefore incorrect to consider the Nation of Islam a Muslim organization.

The Nation of Islam was formed to address racial inequity and civil rights concerns of African-Americans in the United States. The Nation uses terminology borrowed from the religion of Islam. However, it has simultaneously developed an elaborate belief system to supports its doctrines of black racial superiority.

The Nation of Islam considers its founder, Elijah Muhammad, as a prophet of God. It further believes that Elijah Muhammad’s mentor, W.D. Fard was God Incarnate. These beliefs are contrary to the basic testimony of Islam. Therefore, the Nation cannot be considered as a branch of Islam. The racial outlook of the Nation of Islam, contradicts the universalistic beliefs and worldview of Islam.

A large number of members of the Nation of Islam, have renounced their beliefs in the doctrines preached by the Nation, and embraced mainstream Islam. Among those who were able to rise above the racialism preached by the Nation was Malcolm X,. He traveled to Makkah, Saudi Arabia, to perform the Hajj or pilgrimage. There Malcolm X saw the brotherhood of Islam, where people of all races and colors were united in their seeking of divine pleasure. Upon his return, he took the name of El-Hajj Malik El Shabazz, and began developing a new organization to further the cause of African-Americans in the US, without the racial trappings of the Nation. Malcolm X was assassinated on February 21, 1964.

hikmat berpuasa

HIKMAT berpuasa secara tidak langsung dapat memberikan faedah besar terhadap kesihatan tubuh. Waktu rehat yang diberikan kepada saluran pemakanan dalam tempoh sebulan cukup untuk meregang dan melegakan bahagian penghadaman itu. Dalam erti kata lain mengembalikan kekuatan dan kecergasannya pada waktu selepas berlalu Ramadan.

Puasa memberikan kerehatan kepada setiap manusia yang melakukannya selain turut menjadi benteng kepada pelbagai penyakit yang menyerang tubuh manusia. Penyakit yang nyata berjaya dihindari dengan melakukan ibadah ini ialah sakit perut, obesiti, pertambahan kolesterol, tekanan darah tinggi dan kencing manis.

Apabila merujuk Hippocrate yang bergelar Bapa Perubatan Greek, beliau turut menggunakan puasa sebagai kaedah perubatan pada hari pertama pesakitnya mendapatkan rawatan. Beliau juga menyifatkan kepelbagaian rawatan yang dihasilkan daripada puasa amat sesuai dengan setiap penyakit.

Pakar perubatan Arab, Dr Umayyah Lahud dalam bukunya menjelaskan: “Saya sering melakukan kajian kepada pelajar yang berpuasa, hanya dalam tempoh singkat mereka dapat menambahkan kemampuan dari aspek penghasilan idea. Ini menjadikan mereka pelajar yang mampu menggunakan segala kemampuan akal untuk menguasai pelajaran. Ini hasil daripada puasa yang menjadikan tubuh merangsang asid yang menolak segala toksin. Seterusnya menjadikan sel darah kembali normal dan bersih daripada segala zat yang diperoleh dari pemakanan harian, manakala pengaliran darah ke otak lebih lancar.”

Tidak diragukan lagi puasa ini adalah tanda kekuasaan Allah yang mensyariatkan kepada kita ibadah amat bermanfaat. Pakar perubatan lain turut mengutamakan teknik berpuasa bagi pesakit mereka berbanding pemberian ubat atau rawatan lain.

Allamah Rasyid Ridha penulis Tafsir al-Manar menjelaskan pengakuan beberapa pakar perubatan Eropah yang mengakui dengan berpuasa sebulan Ramadan mampu menyingkirkan sel tambahan yang mati atau tidak berfungsi dalam badan seseorang individu itu.

Apa yang menghairankan, di negara kita, didapati majoriti yang menyambut bulan mulia ini dengan ‘menyerbu’ ke bazar Ramadan sehingga kos perbelanjaan makanan bulan ini meningkat. Peniaga pula mengambil kesempatan meningkatkan harga barangan keperluan hatta gula mulai disorok bagi menjadikan harga di pasaran melambung tinggi. Sedangkan dalam hadis riwayat Muslim ada menyebutkan: “Siapa yang menyorok barang keperluan, dia adalah seorang yang berbuat maksiat.”

Kewujudan pasar Ramadan menjadikan seolah-olah bulan puasa adalah ‘pesta makanan’. Segala makanan yang muncul dibeli oleh pelanggan untuk dihidangkan kepada keluarga, maka bertambahlah ‘penyakit’ lain dari aspek fizikal sama ada penyakit obesiti, diabetes, darah tinggi dan jantung. Penyakit hati yang timbul pula seperti tamak, tidak sabar atau gelojoh, kedekut dan mementingkan diri tetap bersarang di jiwa.

Apabila mereka merujuk hospital akibat penyakit dihidapinya, pasti banyak penyakit itu berpunca daripada perut yang kekenyangan. Allah berfirman: “Makan dan minumlah kamu sekalian dan jangan kamu membazir.”

Ayat ini jelas menerangkan keharusan makan dan minum bagi setiap manusia, tetapi pada akhirnya turut melarang berlebihan dan membazir. Ulama menyatakan, dalam ayat yang ringkas itu Allah Taala mengumpulkan rahsia perubatan untuk semua perkara kepada diri manusia.

Kaum terdahulu turut melarang mengambil makanan dan minuman melampaui batasan keperluan. Luqman al-Hakim pernah mengingatkan kepada anaknya: “Wahai anakku! Seandainya perut dipenuhi makanan, akan tidurlah akal fikiran, tergendala segala hikmah dan lumpuhlah anggota badan untuk beribadah.”

Justeru, setiap Muslim perlu menggunakan kesempatan terbaik ini bagi membetulkan kesilapan mereka pada masa lalu. Khidmat percuma ini didatangkan Allah dengan penuh nikmat kepada setiap hamba-Nya. Tidak perlu kita merosakkan puasa ini dengan membanyakkan makan minum sehingga membawa pembaziran.

Pesan Imam Muhammad al-Hasan al-Syaibani: “Pembaziran makanan itu adalah makan dengan banyak sehingga melampaui rasa kenyang. Termasuk juga pembaziran adalah memperbanyakkan juadah dan kepelbagaian jenisnya. Bahkan dikirakan pembaziran juga apabila diletakkan dalam hidangan itu pelbagai ragam makanan melebihi keperluan yang sepatutnya.”

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Life After Death

In Islam, an individual's life after death or their Hereafter, is very closely shaped by their present life. Life after death begins with the resurrection of man, after which there will come a moment when every human will be shaken as they are confronted with their intentions and deeds, good and bad, and even by their failure to do good in this life. On the Day of Judgment the entire record of people from the age of puberty will be presented before God. God will weigh everyone’s good and bad deeds according to His Mercy and His Justice, forgiving many sins and multiplying many good deeds. One who excels in goodness will be rewarded generously, whereas one whose evils and wrongs overweigh his good deeds will be punished. Those who emerge successful in this judgment will go to paradise and the doors of eternal bliss will be opened to them. Those who are condemned and deserve punishment will be sent to Hell - the abode of fire and torture.

“Those who disbelieve say: The Hour will never come unto us. Say: Nay, by my Lord, it is coming unto you surely. (He is) the knower of the unseen. Not an atom's weight, or less than that or greater, escapes Him in the heavens or in the earth, but it is in a clear Record.That He may reward those who believe and do good works.For them are pardon and a rich provision. But those who strive against our revelations, challenging (Us), theirs will be a painful doom of wrath.”
[Al-Qur’an: 34: 3-5]

The Need to Believe in Life After Death

Belief in life after death has always been part of the teachings of the Prophets and is an essential condition of being a Muslim.Whenever we are asked to do something, it is our very nature to think about its benefits and its costs.We regard a useless action as unnecessary and are not prepared to waste our time doing it. Similarly, we are not very eager to avoid a thing that is harmless. The deeper our conviction about the usefulness of something, the firmer our response to it will be. The more doubtful we are about its usefulness, the more wavering and shaky would be our attitude.After all, why does a child put his hand in fire? Because he is not sure that fire burns. Why does he evade studying? Because he does not fully grasp the importance and benefits of education.

This Belief Divides People Into Three Categories

FIRST, there are those who do not believe in the Hereafter and regard life on this earth as the only life and nothing destroys them except time. Naturally, they judge something to be good if it produces desirable results and evil if it brings about undesirable results.

SECOND, there are those who do not deny the Hereafter, but they depend on the intercession or atonement of someone to absolve them of their sins. Among them are some who regard themselves as God’s chosen people, who will receive only nominal punishment, however grave their sins may be. This deprives them of the moral advantage, which they could have derived from their belief in the Hereafter. As a result their behavior becomes very much like that of those who deny the Hereafter.

THIRD, are those who believe in the Hereafter and do not delude themselves that they have any special relationship with God or that anyone can intercede on their behalf. They hold themselves accountable for their actions and their belief in the Hereafter becomes a great moral force. As a result they find a permanent guard, stationed within them, which cautions and admonishes them whenever they deviate from the right path. There may be no court to summon them, no policemen to apprehend them and no public opinion to pressure them. Instead the guard within them is ever alert and ready to remind them when they transgress.The consciousness of this inner presence makes them fear doing anything that is prohibited. Should they succumb to temptation and violate the law of God, they are ever ready to offer sincere regrets and to enter a firm contract with God not to repeat the same mistake in the future.

A person who is focused on successes or failures in this world alone will be concerned with the benefits and harms that come to him in this life only. He may be reluctant to do good deeds that have no worldly benefit. Similarly, he may not be prepared to stop doing awrong act that will not harm him in this world.

On the other hand, a person who believes in life after death would look upon all worldly gains and losses as temporary and would not put at stake eternal bliss for a transitory gain. Belief in the next world instills in one the desire to do well and avoid the wrong, however costly it may be in terms of worldly sacrifices.

“What! Do those who seek after evil ways think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe and do righteous deeds, - that equal with their life and their death? Ill is the judgment that they make. God created the heavens and the earth for just ends, and in order that each soul may find the recompense of what it has earned, and none of them be wronged.”
[Al-Qur’an 45:21]

There is a big difference in the way of life of the two types of people. For one, the idea of a good act may be limited to its value in this temporary life: for example gains in money, property, public recognition or similar things which give one position, power, reputation or worldly happiness.

Such things become the objectives of life and they may not deter one from pursuing cruel and unjust means in their achievement. In contrast, for a believer, all that pleases God is good and all that invokes His displeasure and wrath is evil. A good act for a believer will remain good even if it brings no personal benefit in this world.

A believer will be confident that God will reward him in the eternal life and that would be the real success. Similarly, they would not fall a prey to evil deeds merely for some worldly gain, for they would know that even if they escape punishment in this short worldly life, they would still have to answer to God.

True justice becomes apparent by believing in Life after Death.

God created people and made them responsible for their actions. In this world, we notice that the virtuous often live in a wretched state while the wicked often seem to have the good things in life.

Innocent people often suffer at the hands of exploiters and criminals, who seem to gain rather than suffer by their crimes in this world. If there were no future life in which the virtuous are rewarded and the vicious are punished, there would be no justice. There would be no point in creating people with a conscience and in sending Prophets to remind them of their responsibility.

“We shall set up scales of justice for the day of Judgment, so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least. And if there be (no more than) the weight of a mustard seed,We will bring it (to account): And enough are We to take account.”
[Al-Qur’an: 21:47]

God is the Most Just; He will establish justice among all His creatures and no one can escape from God. Islam, therefore, places great emphasis on having absolute assurance of the Hereafter.This assurance should be similar to the certainty we have in death (which can overcome us at any time). Therefore, striving to earn the pleasure of God becomes the objective of life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Towards Purification

For Rodrigo Adem, Ramadan is a time of intense focus on Islam. He tries to spend as much time at the mosque as possible, reciting Quran and attending any study circle.

One of the things which helped him last Ramadan was to create a schedule around the 99 names of God. He chose three names per day, adding on one extra name on random days, and recited them 33 times after every obligatory prayer in order to both grasp and appreciate all the names in the blessed month. This had a liberating effect on him, enabling him to view ordinary things in a different light.

“I felt as if I understood the Oneness of God in a much more intimate way than I had in the past,” said Adem, 21. “I felt at home, powerless, and peaceful all at the same time. Like a human being who knew what he was created for, and had no doubt concerning his Lord.”

“When Ramadan is with us, I [also concentrate] on not allowing the rewards of my fast to be lost,” remarked Rodrigo Adem, of Madison, Wis. “I realize that fasting is more than just not eating. It is also about not getting angry, saying or thinking spiteful things about others, or looking at what’s unlawful. I view it as a time when I can really cleanse myself of all bad habits.”

All day, although he struggles to stay patient and avoid idle talk, he tries to keep his actions the same during Ramadan as in the other months. “[I feel] that I cannot put extra worship before my earthly responsibilities. I can’t use service to God as an excuse to slack on my duties,” opined Adem. “However, I do feel that God does give his servants energy for the day as He wishes. God can bestow upon you the ability to push yourself hard and achieve all your goals in Ramadan, as long as you strive for it.”

Zuha Ali remembers experiencing that almost 10 years ago, calling it her “best” Ramadan. “I was very focused and almost lost in another world. I felt like I just went through the motions of my worldly life but when it came time for prayers or Quran, I was rejuvenated and a whole person again,” Ali, of Sterling, Va., recalled.

After the early morning meal, she would spend two hours reading a chapter of the Quran along with the translation and commentary. Then, she would go to college and optimize her free time so that her evenings and nights would be spared for more worship.

“I did not sleep much that month but honestly, I did not feel the loss of sleep either. It was as if God were energizing me through Quran and prayer. It was indeed a beautiful month,” Ali, now 29, remarked.

With time, many changes have come to her life. “It was easier for me to devote myself that way (then) because I had no other responsibilities,” she said. “Now, as I care for my husband and son, and my house as well, it is not so easy to let go of everything and do what I did before,” she said.

Becoming a mother has meant that she was unable to fast regularly the last two years due to her medical condition during pregnancy and lactation. “It is important to remember that taking care of one’s family is also an act of devotion, and yet it should also be remembered that Ramadan only comes once a year, so we should try to do as much as we can,” Ali concluded.

Finishing the Quran and praying additional nightly prayers, either at home or in the mosque, are her typical personal goals for Ramadan. “At the beginning of the month, I find myself at the peak of spiritual energy. Unfortunately, as the month progresses, I find it harder to keep up with [my] goals,” Ali stated, mentioning that lagging behind in her reading of a chapter of Quran causes a dip in her spiritual drive and can break her cycle. “I know that this is a test from God, as the end of the month definitely carries more blessings just for this reason.”

In general, she makes a special effort to stay away from unlawful habits such as backbiting in Ramadan. “[I] just try to better my character during the month so that hopefully it will continue onwards in the months after Ramadan as well,” she said.

In fact, training one’s mind even as one faces worldly tasks and distractions is the true challenge of this blessed month. And, of course, the journey doesn’t end with the sighting of the moon for Eid – rather, it only begins, for no one can ever harvest the full benefit of Ramadan until they carry it with them throughout the year and onwards, feeling strengthened by its arrival each year of their remaining lives, God-Willing.

In that sense, Ramadan is all about beginnings – a training period for the mind, body and soul to harness important values and habits so that they embed themselves into one’s lifestyle.

Personal Perspectives on Ramadan

Every year, Muslims experience a unique excitement and jubilation as Ramadan approaches. Homes are cleaned, groceries are stocked, children are prepped – but, above all, many resolutions are made.

A time for spiritual nourishment and self-introspection, Ramadan heralds a classic opportunity to draw closer to God, and to bask in the many blessings that accompany the month. Commitments ranging from the recitation and study of Quran to increased charity to nightly attendance of additional prayers are commonly made to reap the rewards of the fasting month.

To this effect, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, once said, “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the smell coming out from the mouth of a person observing fast is better with God than the smell of musk. (God says about the fasting person), ‘He has left his food, drink and desires for My sake. The fast is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times.’”

Further, with Satan chained and the gates of heaven thrown open, the race for good deeds begins in all earnest every Ramadan. Yet, as people dive into the anxiously awaited month of spiritual gains, they realize that it comes with its own set of challenges. Indeed, just as the everyday test of Muslims is to practice Islam while living in the world, this annual retreat-of-sorts is all about maximizing spirituality while juggling the demands of daily lives.

So, along with the fasting and all the plans, chores have to be taken care of, work must be attended to, and children’s needs have to be fulfilled. In order to avoid frustration due to neglecting one’s Ramadan goals or hardship caused by abandoning certain tasks and routines, a happy medium must be strived for. Striking this balance will not always be easy since it entails rescheduled days, little sleep, and a shift in priorities.

However, the results far outweigh the struggle, a feeling of contentment that the very best effort was made to capture the true essence of Ramadan: “O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become pious.” (2:183)

Fasting – A Pillar of Islam

Fasting is an act of deep personal worship to God in which Muslims seek to raise their level of God-consciousness. The act of fasting redirects the heart away from worldly activities and towards the remembrance of God.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It begins with the sighting of the new moon after which all physically mature and healthy Muslims are obliged to fast for the complete month. Fasting is done as an act of worship and obedience to Allah (God). Between dawn and sunset, Muslims abstain from all food, drink and any kind of sexual contact. In addition to this physical component, the spiritual aspects of the fast include an added emphasis on refraining from gossip, lies, obscenity and in general, any sinful act. Muslims focus during this month on strengthening their relationship with the Creator. It is a time for spiritual reflection, prayer and doing of good deeds. Fasting is intended to inculcate self-discipline, self-restraint and generosity.

During Ramadan, mosques are full of worshippers, and acts of charity increase, ties of brotherhood strengthen, anger and temper are controlled and an atmosphere of peace prevails. According to psychologists, these are several of the beneficial aspects of conscientious fasting.

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