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Friday, August 21, 2009

Islam and Peace

Islam comes from the root word Salaam, which means peace. It also means submitting one's will to Allah (swt). The word Salaam is also an attribute of God. In this context, it means ‘The Giver of Peace'.

Muslims greet each other with Assalaamu alaikum which translates to wishing peace for one another. Even when wronged, the Glorious Qur'an advises Muslims to struggle against the temptation for hostility: And not alike are the good and the evil. Repel (evil) with what is best, when lo! he between whom and you was enmity would be as if he were a warm friend... [Al-Qur'an 41:34]

The Qur'an refers to Paradise as the “abode of peace”. Thus peace is a goal that Muslims are required to strive for, in their own selves, in their families and in their communities. It is ironical therefore, that Islam is perceived by many as being the motivation behind the wanton killing of innocent people.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

History Of Tolerance

Even Western scholars have repudiated the myth of Muslims coercing others to convert. The great historian De Lacy O'Leary wrote:

"History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims, sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated."[3]

Muslims ruled Spain for roughly 800 years. During this time, and up until they were finally forced out, the non-Muslims there were alive and flourishing. Additionally, Christian and Jewish minorities have survived in the Muslim lands of the Middle East for centuries. Countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan all have significant Christian and/or Jewish populations.

This is not surprising to a Muslim, for his faith prohibits him from forcing others to see his point of view. The Glorious Qur’an says:

“Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in God hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And God heareth and knoweth all things.”
[Al-Qur’an 2:256]


Ketika Saidina Umar al-Khattab mengerjakan tawaf, beliau terdengar doa seorang lelaki, "Ya Allah masukkanlah aku dalam kumpulan orang yang sedikit."

Terkedu juga Amirul Mukminin dengan doa yang agak ganjil itu. Biasanya manusia suka kepada kumpulan ramai. Jika pengikut ramai lagi hebat, kukuh dan gah kita tetapi lain halnya dengan lelaki ini.

Apabila ditanya, rupa-rupanya lelaki itu menjelaskan: "Tidakkah tuan membaca di dalam Al-Quran, Allah berfirman bahawa sedikit sahaja di kalangan ummatNya yang bersyukur."

Tersenyum Saidina Umar.

Sangat ramai di kalangan manusia kini sibuk berfikir bagaimana hendak memenuhi setiap impian yang diidamkan. Sebaliknya terlalu sedikit pula yang berfikir bagaimana hendak bersyukur dan berterima kasih kepada Allah dengan apa yang telah dimiliki.

Hakikatnya, dunia ini sudah dibanjiri oleh lautan manusia yang buta hati.

Tepuk dada, tanyalah diri sendiri.

Adakah kita seorang yang bersyukur?


While Islam in general is misunderstood in the western world, perhaps no other Islamic term evokes such strong reactions as the word ‘jihad’. The term ‘jihad’ has been much abused, to conjure up bizarre images of violent Muslims, forcing people to submit at the point of the sword. This myth was perpetuated throughout the centuries of mistrust during and after the Crusades. Unfortunately, it survives to this day.

The word Jihad comes from the root word jahada, which means to struggle. So jihad is literally an act of struggling. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that the greatest jihad is to struggle with the insidious suggestions of one’s own soul. Thus jihad primarily refers to the inner struggle of being a person of virtue and submission to God in all aspects of life.

Secondarily, jihad refers to struggle against injustice. Islam, like many other religions, allows for armed self-defense, or retribution against tyranny, exploitation, and oppression. The Glorious Qur’an says:

“And why should ye not fight in the cause of God and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? - Men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!"
[Al-Qur’an 4:75]

Thus Islam enjoins upon its believers to strive utmost, in purifying themselves, as well as in establishing peace and justice in the society. A Muslim can never be at rest when she sees injustice and oppression around her. As Martin Luther King Jr. said:

“We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.”

Islam enjoins upon all Muslims to work actively to maintain the balance in which God created everything. However, regardless of how legitimate the cause may be, the Glorious Qur’an never condones the killing of innocent people. Terrorizing the civilian population can never be termed as jihad and can never be reconciled with the teachings of Islam.

What does Islam say about Terrorism?

One of the distinctive characteristics of the times we live in is the overwhelming presence of violence in our societies. Whether it is a bomb going off in a market place, or the hijacking of an aircraft where innocent people are held at ransom to achieve political ends, we live in an age, where the manipulation and loss of innocent lives has become commonplace.

Such is the all-pervasive nature of indiscriminate violence, that “terrorism” is considered as one of the prime threats to peace and security in our societies.

The word terrorism came into wide usage only a few decades ago. One of the unfortunate results of this new terminology is that it limits the definition of terrorism to that perpetrated by small groups or individuals. Terrorism, in fact, spans the entire world, and manifests itself in various forms. Its perpetrators do not fit any stereotype. Those who hold human lives cheap, and have the power to expend human lives, appear at different levels in our societies. The frustrated employee who kills his colleagues in cold-blood or the oppressed citizen of an occupied land who vents his anger by blowing up a school bus are terrorists who provoke our anger and revulsion. Ironically however, the politician who uses age-old ethnic animosities between peoples to consolidate his position, the head of state who orders “carpet bombing” of entire cities, the exalted councils that choke millions of civilians to death by wielding the insidious weapon of sanctions, are rarely punished for their crimes against humanity.

It is this narrow definition of terrorism that implicates only individuals and groups, that has caused Muslims to be associated with acts of destruction and terror, and as a result, to become victims of hate violence and terror themselves. Sometimes the religion of Islam is held responsible for the acts of a handful of Muslims, and often for the acts of non-Muslims!

Could it be possible that Islam, whose light ended the Dark Ages in Europe, now propound the advent of an age of terror? Could a faith that has over 1.2 billion followers the world over, and over 7 million in America, actually advocate the killing and maiming of innocent people? Could Islam, whose name itself stands for “peace” and “submission to God”, encourage its adherents to work for death and destruction?

For too long, have we relied on popular images in the media and in Hollywood films, for answers to these pertinent questions. It is now time to look at the sources of Islam, and its history to determine whether Islam does indeed advocate violence.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


A medical doctor by professional training, Dr. Zakir Naik is renowed as a dynamic international orator on Islam and Comparative Religion. Dr. Zakir Naik clarifies Islamic viewpoints and clears misconceptions about Islam, using the Qur'an, authentic Hadith and other religious Scriptures as a basis, in conjunction with reason, logic and scientific facts. He is 43 years old.

Dr. Zakir is popular for his critical analysis and convincing answers to challenging questions posed by audiences after his public talks. In the last 12 years (by the year 2008), Dr. Zakir Naik has delivered mo re than 1200 public talks in the U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, South Africa, Italy, Mauritius, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, Thailand, Guyana (South America), Trinidad and many other countries, in addition to numerous public talks in India.
He has successfully participated in several symposia and dialogues with prominent personalities of other faiths. His public dialogue with Dr. William Campbell (of USA), on the topic, “The Qur’an and the Bible in the light of Science” held in city of Chicago, U.S.A., on April 1, 2000 was a resounding success.

His Interfaith Dialogue with prominent Hindu Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the topic ‘The Concept of God in Hinduism and Islam in the light of Sacred Scriptures’ held at Palace Grounds, Bangalore, on 21st Jan. 2006, was highly appreciated by people of both the faiths.

In the issue dated 22nd Feb. 2009 of the Indian Express list of the “100 Most Powerful Indians in 2009” amongst the billion plus population of India, Dr. Zakir Naik was ranked No. 82. In the special list of the “Top 10 Spiritual Gurus of India” Dr. Zakir Naik was ranked No. 3, after Baba Ramdev and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, being the only Muslim in the list.

Dr. Zakir Naik stood out most eloquently for Islam and Muslims in the present times on one of the leading and most respected News Channel of India, NDTV 24 x 7, during the ‘Guest this week’ interview programme “Walk the Talk” conducted by host Shekhar Gupta (Editor-in-Chief of Indian Express) telecast on 7th and 8th March 2009.

Sheikh Ah med Deedat, the world famous orator on Islam and Comparative Religion, who had called Dr. Zakir, "Deedat plus" in 1994, presented a plaque in May 2000 awarded to Dr. Zakir Abdul-Karim Naik for his achievement in the field of Da’wah and the study of Comparative Religion with the engraving "Son what you have done in 4 years had taken me 40 years to accomplish, Alhamdullilah.”
Dr. Zakir Naik appears regularly on many international T.V. Channels in more than 200 countries of the world. He is regularly invited for T.V. and Radio interviews. More than a hundred of his talks, dialogues, debates and symposia are available on VCDs and DVDs. He has authored books on Islam and Comparative Religion.

AGAMA Golongan tak lalai mendambakan masjid

UMAT Islam sentiasa mencari ketenangan, kasih sayang, kesucian jasmani dan rohani di rumah Allah SWT. Masjid menjadi pilihan mereka yang mendambakan kebahagiaan hidup setelah puas dilanyak kerasnya ujian duniawi.

Dengan mengingati Allah, hati menjadi tenteram sehingga surut segala kesakitan yang diderita. Di masjid bermulanya tapak keimanan yang disemai tumbuh menjadi pohon-pohon berakar kuat, tidak mudah rebah dihempas badai kehidupan. Di masjid pula diharapkan tersedia khazanah ilmu yang boleh menjawab setiap persoalan hidup yang dihadapi setiap anak manusia.

Ketenangan hidup, kasih sayang hakiki dan kesucian rabbani sememangnya wajar menjadi moto bagi setiap masjid yang berdiri megah di tengah kekalutan dunia maksiat. Nilai itu adalah jawapan paling tepat dengan keperluan manusia moden yang hampir-hampir kehilangan nurani manusiawi.

Tetapi sayang, kadangkala dijumpai suasana yang bertolak belakang dengan semangat ketenangan, kasih sayang dan kesucian. Ada sesetengahnya yang ternoda oleh semangat perpecahan, persengketaan hingga perebutan kuasa yang memanaskan suhu masjid ke tahap yang amat membimbangkan.

Jika pada zaman sahabat terkorban di mihrab masjid Nabi, yang menumpahkan darah Umar al-Khattab sewaktu mengimami jemaah, demikian pula tragedi berdarah di masjid Kufah yang mengorbankan Saidina Ali Abu Talib maka saat ini tidak mustahil perpecahan umat Islam yang dihasilkan api permusuhan boleh mencetuskan pertumpahan darah juga.

Benarlah firman Allah SWT mengenai mahalnya harga persaudaraan yang bermaksud; “Dan Dialah (Allah) yang mempersatukan hati mereka (orang yang beriman). Walaupun kamu membelanjakan semua (kekayaan) yang berada di bumi, nescaya kamu tidak dapat mempersatukan hati mereka, akan tetapi Allah telah mempersatukan hati mereka. Sesungguhnya dia Maha gagah lagi Maha Bijaksana.” - (Surah Al-Anfal ayat: 63)

Umat Islam di negara ini selayaknya bersyukur dengan limpah kurnia rahmat-Nya yang menyatukan hati umat Islam dalam keadaan berkasih sayang. Sunnah Rasulullah SAW yang mengajarkan selembut-lembut akhlak menjadi pegangan umat yang memakmurkan masjid dengan semangat kasih sayang. Padahal di belahan dunia Islam lain telah terjadi pertumpahan darah atas sebab fanatik mazhab seperti pembunuhan silih berganti antara penganut Syiah dan Sunni di Iraq menjadi berita hangat hampir setiap hari. Baru-baru ini Hamas yang memperjuangkan Islam dari kekejaman Israel terpaksa menghadapi musuh dalam selimut di kalangan umat Islam sendiri. Sehingga terpaksa menjaga khatib yang berkhutbah dengan senjata kerana keadaan darurat ini.

Masjid yang dibina dengan asas teladan sunnah Rasulullah SAW amat menekankan hubungan hati antara hamba dengan Allah dan juga hubungan sesama manusia. Orang yang berhimpun di dalamnya bersedia menggantungkan pakaian dunia di luar pagar masjid. Mereka menggantikan pakaian itu dengan pakaian takwa yang mampu menundukkan hawa nafsu di bawah kawalan iman sepanjang masa. Walaupun mereka keluar dari masjid dan kehidupan berubah menjadi sibuk oleh urusan dunia tidak sekali mereka dilalaikan olehnya kerana setelah keluar dari masjid pakaian taqwa kekal digunakan hasil semangat solat yang berkualiti.

Untuk memastikan fungsi masjid berjalan selari dengan sunnah Rasulullah SAW sewajarnya ahli masjid sentiasa beringat dan bermuhasabah mengenai peranan mereka dalam menghidupkan rumah Allah SWT yang suci ini.

l Memperbaharui niat.

Orang munafik di Madinah yang diketuai Abdullah bin Ubay bin Salul amat membenci perpaduan umat Islam, mereka faham mengenai kedudukan Masjid Nabi yang mampu menghimpunkan hati-hati orang mukmin sehingga kekuatan mereka semakin padu. Oleh itu mereka telah membina satu masjid yang bertujuan untuk memberi saingan kepada umat Islam, memecah belah perpaduan dan menghasut mereka untuk saling membenci sehingga terbantutlah usaha Rasulullah SAW membina kekuatan umat.

Allah SWT telah menurunkan wahyu-Nya mengenai keadaan mereka yang mempunyai niat yang keji ini sebagaimana firman-Nya yang bermaksud: “Dan (di antara orang munafik itu) ada orang yang mendirikan masjid untuk menimbulkan kemudaratan (pada orang mukmin), untuk kekafiran dan untuk memecah belah antara orang beriman. - (Surah al-Taubah ayat: 107)

Apabila hati telah berkata-kata walaupun tidak didengari orang ramai, maka siapakah yang boleh berdusta di hadapan Allah di atas kata hatinya itu? Melakukan amal salih wajib dengan niat yang ikhlas, seseorang yang suka memakmurkan masjid tetapi dengan maksud di luar niat lillahi Taala tidak akan mendatangkan kebaikan untuk agama dan dunianya.

l Masjid tempat turunnya rahmat Allah kepada orang yang berkasih sayang.

Asas berdirinya negara Islam pertama didahului dengan terbinanya masjid. Sebelum Baginda SAW memilih tapak rumahnya terlebih dulu Baginda mencari tapak untuk dibangunkan masjid. Baginda melihat kepentingan menyatukan hati umat dengan simbol masjid sebagai alat perpaduan kerana hanya Allah SWT yang berkuasa menyatukan hati manusia. Detik-detik pertama berkembangnya negara Islam pertama itu telah dihidu oleh musuh lama yang mencari peluang merosakkan kasih sayang di antara sesama muslim.

Mereka amat membenci sabda-sabda Rasulullah SAW yang mengajak kepada perpaduan umat seperti sabda baginda yang bermaksud: “Janganlah kamu saling membenci, janganlah kamu berhasad dengki, jangan belakang membelakangi, jadilah kamu hamba Allah yang bersaudara.” - (Hadis riwayat Imam Al-Bukhari)

Kasih sayang adalah sunnah Rasulullah SAW, walaupun ramai yang berusaha kembali kepada Al-Quran dan al-Sunnah jarang sekali yang tidak diduga dengan konflik perbezaan fahaman akibat ketaksuban nafsu. Hatta di dalam masjid pun mereka bertelingkah kerana isu peribadi. Hal ini amat bertolak belakang dengan semangat adab dan akhlak yang diajarkan Rasulullah SAW kepada umat.

l Masjid sebagai corong dakwah.

Ahli masjid yang terpanggil memikul amanah dakwah sebagaimana yang diwarisi daripada Rasulullah SAW sentiasa mencari alternatif yang sesuai untuk mema-syarakatkan masjid di hati umat. Jika baik dan lancar fungsi dan peranan masjid yang dibina, nescaya baik pula masyarakat di sekelilingnya.

Program keilmuan yang ditawarkan hendaknya boleh menarik minat umat Islam tanpa memandang usia. Tidak sepatutnya yang memegang kuasa di setiap masjid itu mereka yang ketandusan idea dalam melancarkan program dakwah. Ahli masjid yang beramanah dituntut untuk menguasai keadaan masyarakat sekitar yang memerlukan asuhan dan bimbingan. Program media bersama masjid, remaja angkat masjid, program bimbingan belajar dan tuisyen, sukan dan seni, hiburan dan rekreasi, tempat bimbingan kewangan dan kerjaya untuk fakir miskin diharapkan boleh menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan umat.

Tidak mustahil ketenangan, kasih sayang dan kesucian jasmani dan rohani akan tercipta hasil daripada usaha gigih ahli masjid yang beramanah. Mereka adalah penyambung dakwah Rasulullah SAW yang berhak menerima balasan berlipat ganda daripada Tuhannya sekiranya mereka berjaya menjadikan semangat masjid itu wujud di tengah-tengah masyarakat yang kini kian berkecamuk.

Penulis adalah Mufti Perlis

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